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![]() Introduction | Basic Rules | Advancing Characters | Combat Basics Rules Questions | Character Templates | Gear | Transcripts transcripts The following is more or less unedited for those of that are curious about how a play-by-chat-room session looks. Times are listed to give the curious an idea about how long it takes a conversation or game action to be completed. This session ran three hours and seven-ish minutes. a big fight 15:07:11 - Keeor has entered. 15:07:19 - Ren has entered. 15:12:12 - Sara has entered. 15:12:27 - Thomas: Ye olde linke to the site: http://gameworld.thesnakefarm.com/starwars/ 15:12:36 - Sara: hi there. 15:12:43 - Keeor: Just finished re-reading the last session. 15:12:57 - Keeor: Hello. :-) 15:13:28 - Ren: Ahoy. 15:16:51 - Thomas: So there we are... All ready to go, then? 15:17:04 - Keeor: Yep. 15:18:49 - Thomas: Well, this'll give us a chance to let James read the last bit of the last session. And to let Jessie show up, if she can come. 15:20:50 - Sara: Just finished reading. 15:22:04 - Ren: All ready. 15:22:14 - Keeor: Consider me good for the moment. 15:22:19 - Thomas: Okay. 15:22:23 - Ren: BEER AND METALLICA 15:23:10 - Sara: YESSIR! 15:23:18 - Thomas: In the speeder heading to Reppana's estate, we've got Sara, Ren, Keeor, Neela, Kai'la (who still thinks we should've ditched these losers), Borda, and Paolo. 15:23:31 - Thomas: You're nearing the west part of Kwenn, where Princess Reppana's estate is. As you gathered from the blueprints R2D0 pulled up ( http://gameworld.thesnakefarm.com/starwars/estate.gif ), the estate is really part of a block of what would be called townhouses on any other planet. Access to the servant's entrance is through a small alley behind the group of buildings. You can see that there's a neighborhood garage inside the alley, just before the turn to Reppana's. Reppana's estate is the third building in along the pedestrian walk part of the alley. 15:24:45 - Thomas: (Reading the map: The street is up on the top of the image, the alley is on the right with the down arrow. Far right indicates the garage.) 15:25:28 - Thomas: (Reppana's is the one with all the writing on it. Street and alley (servant's) entrances are marked.) 15:26:33 - Thomas: (The alley that runs behind the houses is a pedestrian walk. The alley part on the right (the vertical bit) is for vehicles.) 15:27:15 - Keeor: So we should probably park in the alley, then walk in to the servant's entrance from there. 15:27:20 - Thomas: "Drive up to the alley," Paolo tells his brother. 15:27:26 - Keeor: Hopefully, we will be less obvious that way. 15:27:49 - Thomas: "Right, right," he says, annoyed at his role as chauffer. 15:28:00 - Thomas: As you pull into the alley, you see a mid-sized skiff -- a moving truck, judging from the holoprint on the side -- sitting in the alley, near the entrance to the pedestrian walk. The neighborhood garage is to your left, but that's only for residents. You could leave your speeder in the alley, behind the beat-up speeder bike in front of the garage entrance or in line with the skiff. 15:28:50 - Thomas: Speeder traffic in this area of the station is rather light, in case you were wondering. 15:30:49 - * Sara makes sure the cape from the security uniform covers her dueling sword. 15:30:58 - Thomas: Borda manuvers the speeder in the back of the alley, parking it behind the mover's skiff, facing the street entrance. 15:32:27 - * Ren frets at his disguise, nervously. 15:32:32 - * Sara gets out of the speeder and puts her hand out to assist Paolo down. 15:32:38 - Thomas: Borda throws a switch, which retracts the roof of the speeder. 15:32:57 - Thomas: Paolo thanks Sara for her help. 15:33:29 - Thomas: "So, dear brother, would you mind coming with us?" Paolo asks. 15:33:36 - Sara: "This way sir." Sara turns to lead the way. 15:34:09 - Thomas: "If it's all the same, I'd rather stay here with the vehicle," he says. "I might like some company," he says, looking at the Twi'lek. 15:34:30 - Thomas: "Dream on," she replies, following Sara. 15:34:53 - Keeor: We may be able to use your assistance, sir. If you wouldn't mind. 15:35:07 - Sara: Perhaps Ren should stay with the speeder and stay connected to R2 15:35:30 - Thomas: Borda shrugs at Keeor. "Very well." 15:35:33 - Sara: We should be able to communicate through these coms 15:36:01 - * Keeor checks to make sure that his com is where he usually keeps it, on his belt. 15:36:10 - Ren: Umm... maybe.... 15:36:21 - * Ren inspects the speeder critically. 15:36:37 - Thomas: Kai'la looks back at the group. She seems rather impatient. 15:37:14 - Sara: OK Ren? 15:37:23 - Thomas: Neela grabs the box that contains her blasters and gets ready to follow Paola. 15:37:56 - Thomas: Kai'la shouts down to Ren, "C'mon, quit wasting time. Let's go." 15:37:59 - * Ren looks to Kai'la hesitantly, then nods. 15:38:39 - * Ren follows behind. 15:38:54 - Thomas: Borda sighs and follows the technician. 15:38:55 - Sara: So, we all are going then. Let's go. Sara strides to lead the group to the door. 15:39:32 - Thomas: You follow Sara and Paola up through the pedestrian walk, over to the back door. Paola stops suddenly. "That's odd," he says, looking at the open door. "That should be secured. I'll have a word with the staff about this." 15:40:02 - * Keeor takes up the rear and watches for the possibility of any sort of ambush, even though he doesn't expect to be expected. 15:40:06 - Thomas: He takes a step forward. 15:40:18 - Sara: Wait, let me go first. 15:40:35 - Thomas: "Hm?" Paola steps aside. 15:40:37 - * Sara walks in and looks around for trouble drawing her sword. 15:41:21 - Thomas: Neela throws the empty box aside, now with both blasters in hand. "Great," she says, rushing after Sara. 15:41:27 - Thomas: "My word," Paola says. 15:42:33 - Thomas: Sara and Neela enter the kitchen, on the ground floor of Reppana's estate. The place is a bit of a mess. She must employ the galaxy's sloppiest chef. 15:42:41 - Thomas: Sara, roll Perception. 15:43:01 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 3d6: 5 + 2 + 1 = 8 15:43:17 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 2d6+1: 3 + 1 = 4, modified by 1 = 5 15:44:23 - Thomas: "This doesn't seem right," Neela whispers to Sara. "Someone that stuck up wouldn't abide a messy kitchen like this." 15:45:15 - Sara: Indeed, something seems amiss. Perhaps we should search further before the others come in. 15:45:35 - * Keeor gets antsy about Sara and Neela being alone indoors, but holds his ground, preparing to rush inside at the first sign of trouble (unless, of course, the trouble is outside). He draws his holdout blaster and keeps the hand holding it surreptitiously hidden. 15:46:03 - [Thomas->Sara] You hear someone whistling approaching the kitchen door from further inside the house. 15:46:38 - * Sara walks towards the kitchen door holding her hand in a wait signal to Neela. 15:47:05 - Thomas: Neela turns back to the people in the alley and holds up a hand, signalling for them to wait. 15:47:07 - Sara: She stops just beside the door, ready to pounce if an armed person comes through the door. 15:48:31 - Thomas: As Sara heads to the kitchen door, it opens. A young human male stands there shocked at the sight of an armed stranger in the kitchen. "AAAAH! " the black-tuniced man drops the rather expensive-looking box on the floor. 15:48:52 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 2d6: 4 + 3 = 7 15:49:16 - Sara: "HALT!" Sara exclaims getting into a ready stance. 15:49:27 - Sara: "Who are you!" 15:49:36 - Thomas: "What? Who are you?" he replies, nervously. 15:49:54 - Thomas: Neela points both barrels at the man. 15:50:11 - Sara: Security. The door was open, and the kitchen seems to be ransacked. 15:50:20 - Sara: Now, who are you 15:50:36 - Thomas: "Take it easy!" he says loudly. "No need for blasters! Look, everything's fine!" 15:50:55 - Thomas: He holds his hands up in the air and takes a step forward. 15:51:02 - Sara: Keep it down, nothing is fine until we know who you are and why you are in this household. 15:51:07 - Thomas: Sara, make another Perception roll. 15:51:15 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 3d6: 1 + 1 + 2 = 4 15:51:21 - Sara: Ouch! 15:51:30 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 2d6+1: 6 + 3 = 9, modified by 1 = 10 15:51:37 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 1d6: 6 = 6 15:51:55 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 1d6: 2 = 2 15:52:29 - Sara: Wow! 15:52:40 - Sara: Hope that isn't a bad guy! 15:53:11 - Thomas: Neela notices that the man glanced down, to his left, behind the kitchen island. She looks over the island and her eyes widen. "Take him!" she shouts. 15:53:17 - Keeor: (Heh, yeah.) 15:53:30 - Thomas: combat rounds 15:53:49 - Thomas: This goes in order of Perception. 15:53:52 - Keeor: Do I hear Neela's shout? 15:54:00 - Thomas: Lowest PER declares first. 15:54:09 - Thomas: (everyone hears Neela's shout) 15:54:41 - Keeor: My Per is 3D. 15:54:50 - Sara: My Per is also 3d 15:55:24 - Thomas: As nobody else has lower than 2d, we'll start with the black-clad man. He says, "Crap!" and turns to run further back into the house. 15:55:53 - Thomas: At 2d+1, Neela steps around the island and checks out the body on the other side to see if it's still alive. 15:56:25 - Thomas: Paola and Borda are both doing nothing. 15:56:34 - Thomas: 3d, so that's everyone else, I think. 15:56:45 - * Sara jumps forward to attack the man. 15:57:02 - Ren: I'm at 2D+1. 15:57:09 - Thomas: "I told you so," Kai'la says, pulling out her heavy blaster. 15:57:14 - Thomas: Oh, sorry. Ren? 15:57:17 - Sara: Sorry about that. 15:58:01 - * Ren is going to look around the alley, seeing if danger is going to come at them from any other angles. 15:58:09 - Ren: (My fault.) 15:58:20 - * Keeor rushes into the kitchen and assesses the situation. 15:58:21 - Thomas: Keeor? 15:58:27 - Thomas: Okay. 15:59:20 - Thomas: Keeor rushes into the kitchen and sees Neela bend down behind the kitchen island at the far end of the room. Sara runs and slashes at a man that is trying to run away. 15:59:36 - Thomas: The man is doing a full dodge action. 15:59:49 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 2d6: 1 + 4 = 5 16:01:20 - Thomas: Sara, roll your Melee skill. You need to beat an 11. 16:01:27 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 4d6+1: 4 + 1 + 5 + 4 = 14, modified by 1 = 15 16:02:23 - Thomas: Okay. Roll damage. That's Str + 1d +1. 16:02:51 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 4d6+1: 6 + 3 + 4 + 2 = 15, modified by 1 = 16 16:03:01 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 1d6: 5 = 5 16:03:22 - Keeor: Nice. 16:03:22 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 2d6: 4 + 1 = 5 16:05:11 - Thomas: "Crap!" the man yells as he turns to run, but Sara strikes him down with her sword. The blade cuts deeply and the man gasps in surprise as he collapses to the floor. 16:06:03 - [Sara->Thomas] Deos he block the door? 16:06:33 - Thomas: The man lies in the doorway, beyond which is a short hallway leading to a larger room. Sara can see that there's a wide stairway curving up to the next level at the far end of that room. 16:07:31 - Thomas: Neela looks up from the chef. "This one's not dead," she says. "Just looks stunned." 16:08:01 - * Sara drags the body into the kitchen so that the door again closes 16:08:18 - [Thomas->Ren] It's quiet in the alleyway. All that's there is the moving skiff and your speeder. All the servant's doors are closed. 16:08:31 - Sara: Keeor, cover the door. I didn't see anyone, but someone could still come through. 16:08:38 - Thomas: Kai'la pushes her way into the kitchen. "Oh, geez." 16:08:58 - [Thomas->Sara] The man's still breathing, but it doesn't look good. 16:09:21 - * Ren noses his way in behind her. 16:09:23 - [Sara->Thomas] The one I slashed? 16:10:05 - [Thomas->Sara] Yes. 16:10:09 - [Sara->Thomas] I will attempt some healing on him. 16:10:30 - Thomas: Sara, make a Medicine roll. 16:10:37 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 2d6+1: 5 + 3 = 8, modified by 1 = 9 16:11:13 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 2d6: 5 + 4 = 9 16:11:49 - * Keeor covers the door, and trusts others to watch the back entrance. 16:12:04 - Keeor: (Sorry, roommate was here. Is gone now.) 16:12:21 - Thomas: Sara uses her medpac on the man she slashed, but it doesn't seem to work. The blue flashing light... is it supposed to blink that fast? Oh, this doesn't look good. 16:12:52 - Thomas: Kai'la looks out the back door, waving the royals in. "Don't slip in the bodily fluids," she says. 16:13:01 - Sara: I don't think that we will get much info from this guy. 16:13:47 - * Ren pales at the sight of the man. 16:13:49 - Thomas: Paola looks at the black-clad man with horror. 16:13:53 - Keeor: "Lady Sara, I may be able to assist you in tending to the man's wounds. I have some knowledge of medicine..." 16:14:07 - Thomas: Keeor, make a Medicine check. 16:14:19 - Sara: Please help if you can. 16:14:21 - Keeor: "How is the chef? Will he require medical attention?" 16:14:28 - [RinkChat] User Keeor rolls 4d6: 3 + 4 + 1 + 1 = 9 16:14:36 - Keeor: (Ouch.) 16:15:18 - Ren: C-can I look? 16:15:29 - * Sara will open the door to make sure no one else is approaching. 16:15:30 - Thomas: Keeor knows that blue light shouldn't be blinking that fast. 16:15:46 - [Sara->Thomas] Kitchen door, that is. 16:15:50 - Thomas: Ren: It's all icky. 16:15:59 - Ren: Urp. 16:16:18 - * Ren stares at the oven instead. 16:16:33 - Sara: Ah, this sword lacks the elegance of the light saber, that would cauterize the wound. 16:16:52 - Thomas: "This one's going to be ko'ed for a while," Neela says. "Probably shot by him and his lot," she indicates the man on the floor. 16:27:32 - Thomas: Sara: The hallway is clear. Nobody around. 16:27:34 - * Keeor continues to try to tend to the black-clad man's wounds, but is losing hope. 16:28:04 - Keeor: I think we need to find out where other household members are. And what is that box? 16:28:13 - Keeor: It seems out of place here. 16:28:15 - Thomas: It becomes all to evident that nothing you do will save the man. 16:28:25 - Sara: Ren, can you check out the box? 16:28:54 - Keeor: "I think that it is too late for this man." 16:28:56 - * Ren sidles over, taking care not to look at any of the icky. 16:29:04 - Ren: Okey-dokey. 16:29:13 - Sara: Thanks. 16:29:16 - * Keeor cleans his hands as much as possible, and stands up, ready to investigate further. 16:29:54 - Sara: I am going to check the room at the end of the hall. 16:30:04 - * Ren tries to find out what's up with the box. 16:30:12 - [Thomas->Ren] It's an ornately carved wooden box the size of a shoebox, with a really nasty crack on the side where it hit the floor. Opening the lid of reveals necklaces and earrings and other jewelry bits. 16:30:49 - * Keeor steps to the door to cover Sara's back. 16:31:14 - * Sara starts going down the hall, keeping close to the wall for some protection in case . . . 16:31:15 - Thomas: "I'm coming with you," Paola says, starting after Sara. 16:31:34 - * Sara hopes Keeor stops him. 16:32:13 - [Ren->Thomas] I look to see if people are looking elsewhere, and like a pragmatic-minded smuggler, I pocket a few of the choicier items. 16:32:43 - Keeor: Sir, with all due respect, are you capable of staying unnoticed? There may be more danger, and stealth is of the essence. 16:32:55 - Keeor: I would not want to see you come to any harm. 16:32:58 - [Thomas->Ren] Make a Sneak roll or a Dexterity roll, whichever is higher. 16:33:30 - * Sara crouches at the end of the hallway to peer around the room. 16:34:07 - Thomas: Kai'la looks out the back door, then comes back in, propping the door open. "For a fast escape," she says to nobody in particular. 16:34:07 - [RinkChat] User Ren rolls 2d6+1: 2 + 1 = 3, modified by 1 = 4 16:34:20 - Ren: :-. 16:34:23 - [Thomas->Ren] Wow! You suck! 16:34:39 - [Ren->Thomas] Just a little! 16:35:01 - * Sara stays in as much cover as possible while looking. 16:35:09 - [Thomas->Ren] As you cram your hand into the box, you look back at Neela, who is staring at you and trying not to laugh. 16:36:05 - Thomas: Neela stands up and yanks the box out of Ren's hands. "Gimme that," she says, like a mother scolding her three-year old. 16:36:28 - * Ren blushes and hrmphs. 16:36:46 - Thomas: "Of course," Paola says to Keeor. He waits for Sara to report back. 16:36:57 - Thomas: Sara, roll Perception. 16:37:11 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 3d6: 5 + 6 + 3 = 14 16:37:29 - [Sara->Thomas] just curious, what is search used for? 16:38:24 - [Thomas->Sara] When you're trying to locate something or someone. Right now, you're just scoping out the area. 16:38:40 - [Sara->Thomas] got it. thanks! 16:39:38 - [Thomas->Sara] You hear voices from up the stairs. Two people, one speaking in Galactic Basic, the other in a strange language. Make a Languages check. 16:40:16 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 3d6+1: 5 + 1 + 1 = 7, modified by 1 = 8 16:41:37 - [Thomas->Sara] This room is the entry room that leads to the foyer and the main street. There is a staircase off to your right and three closed doors on the far left side. There's an open doorway here next to the hallway entrance. It looks like a dining room. There's nobody about in the two rooms you can see into. 16:42:18 - [Thomas->Sara] It sounds like Gammorrean. One of those pig guards at Jabba's palace in Return of the Jedi. 16:42:38 - [Thomas->Sara] Unfortunately, you can't make out what it said. 16:43:11 - * Sara heads back to the kitchen. She turns to Paulo. 16:43:37 - Thomas: "Is everything okay in there?" He asks. 16:43:41 - Sara: Why would the Princess be dealing with Gammorean's? 16:44:22 - * Keeor listens carefully. 16:45:33 - Thomas: "Gammoreans?" He's shocked. "Although she has her... quirks, I know that she can't stand members of that race." 16:46:33 - Thomas: "It has something to do with this trip she took as a young lady out to the Colonies. Apparently, a group of Gammoreans were rather... uncivil to her and her friends," he explains. 16:46:49 - Thomas: "But what does this have to do with Reppana?" 16:47:03 - Sara: I see. Well, I believe there are some in the household. May explain the cook and the state of the kitchen. I think Reppana may be in trouble. 16:47:36 - Sara: How much are you willing to risk for your princess? 16:47:40 - Keeor: Perhaps we should secure the rest of the building. 16:47:44 - Thomas: "That's what I wanted to hear," Neela says, tossing the box back at Ren. "Follow me." She draws both blasters and heads out into the hall. 16:48:07 - Thomas: Kai'la just shakes her head. 16:48:14 - * Keeor prepares to follow Neela, but waits for the OK from Sara. 16:48:40 - Thomas: "If she's in trouble, I believe your friend Neela has the right idea," Paola says. 16:49:07 - Sara: Do you want to rescue your princess? She asks Paola. Then bring your fighting skills and come with us. 16:49:19 - Thomas: "Let's go," he says. 16:49:41 - * Sara nods to Keeor and follows the "Blaster party" through the door. 16:49:45 - Thomas: "My brother, the hero," Borda says, rolling his eyes at Kai'la. She smiles back. 16:50:33 - * Keeor takes the lead with Neela. 16:50:45 - Thomas: Paola flexes his right arm and a small blaster pops out of his jacket into his hand. He follows Keeor and Neela. 16:51:15 - Keeor: "Remember that we would like to take at least one opponent alive for questioning," Keeor says softly. 16:51:34 - Sara: I will strike last then. 16:52:14 - Thomas: Neela motions to Keeor to keep quiet as she heads over to the stairs. From up above, you can make out the sounds of two people talking. One sounds like a Gammorean, all right. The other one... Corellian? It's hard to tell. 16:52:32 - Thomas: Everyone make Sneak rolls. 16:52:37 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 3d6+1: 4 + 1 + 2 = 7, modified by 1 = 8 16:52:59 - [RinkChat] User Keeor rolls 3d6: 2 + 1 + 4 = 7 16:53:01 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 2d6: 6 + 3 = 9 16:53:04 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 3d6: 5 + 4 + 5 = 14 16:53:07 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 3d6: 2 + 2 + 4 = 8 16:53:15 - [RinkChat] User Ren rolls 2d6+1: 1 + 1 = 2, modified by 1 = 3 16:53:31 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 1d6: 5 = 5 16:53:45 - Thomas: Good job, Ren! 16:54:32 - Thomas: Ren nods when Neela signals for quiet, then proceeds to trip over a coffee table into the standing suit of armor. 16:54:46 - Ren: OW DAMMIT 16:54:59 - Keeor: (ROFL) 16:54:59 - * Sara flattens against the nearest wall. 16:55:01 - Thomas: Let's see if anyone heard that. 16:55:13 - Keeor: (The best part is, that is totally in character for Ren. :-) ) 16:55:15 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 2d6+2: 6 + 6 = 12, modified by 2 = 14 16:55:20 - * Ren freezes, white. 16:55:26 - * Keeor tries to melt into the shadows. 16:55:35 - Sara: (So true) 16:55:36 - Thomas: I'm not even going to roll that wild six. 16:55:46 - Keeor: (YIKES) 16:55:58 - Keeor: (Heard ALL of us, on that one roll.) 16:56:15 - Thomas: The conversation above abruptly ceases. You hear some running from upstairs, towards the stairs. 16:56:15 - Sara: Good opportunity for an ambush? 16:57:01 - * Sara jumps into the hallway. "Sorry, Security rounds. Bumped into that table." 16:57:02 - Thomas: The room you're in is a large living room. Think any elegant mansion's sitting/living room. 16:57:42 - * Sara looks around looking bewildered at the absence of people in the living room. 16:57:44 - Thomas: So, what's everyone doing before whomever is upstairs gets to the top of the stairs and can see down into your room? 16:58:15 - * Keeor tries not to be visible, but to have a blaster pointed at the highest point on the stairs that he can see. 16:58:21 - Thomas: Everyone is pretty much in the living room. 16:58:57 - Thomas: Here's where everyone is right now: 17:00:25 - Thomas: The living room is a basic square. There's a staircase on the right side, where Neela has gotten to. Keeor is relatively right behind her. Paola is by the furniture behind them. Right behind him is Sara. Ren is currently in a suit of armor, sort of in the middle of the room. 17:00:38 - Thomas: Borda and Kai'la are in the entrance to the hallway. 17:01:24 - Thomas: On the left side of the room are three closed doors. To the left of the hallway is an opening into a large dining room. There's also a door to the foyer on the far side of the room. 17:01:54 - Thomas: So, let's go back to declaring where/what everyone's doing right now. Ren? 17:01:54 - Sara: (Oh, ignore Sara's previous actions.) 17:02:33 - * Ren is scrambling for some sort of cover, or dodging position, holding bits of armour in front of him. 17:02:34 - Thomas: Neela backpedals and flattens out behind the side of a bookshelf at the base of the stairs. 17:03:14 - * Keeor croushes down where he is and points his blaster at the top of the stairs, preparing to fire on anyone who doesn't appear to belong here. 17:03:26 - Sara: Sarah pulls Paola down behind the furniture. 17:03:43 - Sara: (if necessary) 17:04:02 - Thomas: Borda hisses "get down!" and grabs Kai'la, spinning her to the ground before falling on top of her to "protect" her. 17:04:15 - Thomas: Paola is pulled down behind the furniture. 17:04:45 - Thomas: Kai'la says "awp!" before falling down. 17:06:46 - Thomas: Let's see... that's all a bunch of Hide rolls for everyone, except Kai'la and Borda, who are both now in the hall and out of sight. 17:06:51 - * Sara crouches her sword at the ready. 17:07:00 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 3d6+1: 1 + 6 + 3 = 10, modified by 1 = 11 17:07:31 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 2d6: 5 + 4 = 9 17:07:42 - [RinkChat] User Keeor rolls 3d6: 3 + 1 + 2 = 6 17:08:08 - Keeor: (I think I need new dice.) 17:08:12 - [RinkChat] User Ren rolls 2d6+1: 1 + 4 = 5, modified by 1 = 6 17:08:56 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 3d6: 6 + 5 + 4 = 15 17:09:05 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 1d6: 6 = 6 17:09:08 - Thomas: Well. Look at the ninja. 17:09:18 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 1d6: 1 = 1 17:09:20 - Keeor: (Now THAT'S some good hiding.) 17:09:41 - Sara: (I hide behind a pole) 17:10:02 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 2d6: 4 + 1 = 5 17:10:18 - Thomas: That's amazing! 17:10:23 - Thomas: combat rounds 17:10:36 - Keeor: (Sweet.) 17:10:36 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 3d6: 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 17:10:47 - Sara: Sorry, got mixed up. 17:12:28 - Thomas: The pig-like gamorrean comes around the corner and looks down at the apparently-empty room. He snorts once, twice, and looks around. He holds a blaster rifle at the ready. It's safe to say he's not a servant here. 17:13:07 - Thomas: So, let's do declarations. Neela holds her position. Ren? 17:14:28 - Ren: HIDING. 17:14:43 - Thomas: Ah. Good. 17:15:16 - Thomas: Paolo remains hidden. 17:15:33 - * Sara stays hidden, sword ready. 17:15:40 - Thomas: Kai'la? Sara? Keeor? 17:15:48 - * Keeor spends this round aiming his blaster at the Gamorrean, so as to fire with an extra die next round if he's still there or coming down. 17:16:05 - Thomas: Kai'la whispers, "Get off me." 17:16:40 - Thomas: Keeor has been prepared since last round, so if you want to fire now, you get +1d anyway. 17:16:59 - Keeor: Ah, OK. No, I'll wait for next round anyway. 17:17:13 - Thomas: Okay. 17:17:36 - Keeor: Basically I want to shoot one he gets two steps down, if he comes down. 17:18:26 - Thomas: Everyone hides and waits. The Gamorrean waves his rifle around the room and starts coming down the stairs, slowly. His pig-like hoofs are totally crushing the carpet, Keeor notices with a wince. 17:18:44 - Thomas: next round 17:19:11 - Thomas: Neela remains hidden, as does Paola. Ren, still hiding? 17:19:58 - Keeor: (Quick question: how long do we expect to be, as I am being invited to a barbecue?) 17:20:10 - Thomas: Just a few minutes more. 17:20:12 - * Keeor will fire. 17:20:14 - Ren: I sneeze. 17:20:17 - Thomas: Keeor, fire! 17:20:34 - [RinkChat] User Keeor rolls 4d6+1: 6 + 1 + 2 + 3 = 12, modified by 1 = 13 17:21:42 - Sara: Hey man nice shot with that wild 6! 17:21:53 - Keeor: Oh, right! 17:21:58 - [RinkChat] User Keeor rolls 1d6: 3 = 3 17:22:24 - Thomas: (Oh yeah, the Gamorrean was at medium range for the hold-out blaster. That 16 hits him). 17:22:42 - Thomas: Roll damage, that's 3d6+1 17:23:32 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6+1: 3 + 4 + 4 + 2 = 13, modified by 1 = 14 17:24:00 - Keeor: Oh, whoops. That blaster shot should have been 4d+2. 17:24:04 - Thomas: Keeor? 17:24:10 - [RinkChat] User Keeor rolls 3d6+1: 1 + 5 + 4 = 10, modified by 1 = 11 17:24:18 - Thomas: Oh, well you hit him anyway. 17:24:45 - Keeor: Yeah. 17:25:10 - Thomas: The blast hits the guard, who spins and falls down, stunned. He slides down two or three more steps with a squeal. 17:25:25 - Thomas: Next round. 17:25:43 - Thomas: Neela spins out of cover and shoots at the Gamorrean. 17:25:50 - Thomas: Paola remains in cover. 17:26:10 - * Sara remains in cover. 17:26:10 - Thomas: Ren? 17:26:18 - * Keeor watches for the other person upstairs, ready to fire. 17:26:22 - Ren: I cower. 17:26:26 - Keeor: (Sorry, out of order.) 17:26:31 - Thomas: Keeor? 17:26:37 - Thomas: Okay. 17:26:50 - Thomas: Kai'la and Borda are still entangled. 17:27:20 - Thomas: Neela spins out of cover, firing twice at the thug, one shot from each blaster. 17:27:43 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6+2: 4 + 5 + 3 + 2 = 14, modified by 2 = 16 17:27:52 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6+2: 2 + 4 + 4 + 3 = 13, modified by 2 = 15 17:28:09 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6: 1 + 1 + 5 + 3 = 10 17:28:17 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6+1: 4 + 4 + 6 + 4 = 18, modified by 1 = 19 17:28:26 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6: 2 + 5 + 3 + 5 = 15 17:28:31 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6+1: 2 + 4 + 6 + 6 = 18, modified by 1 = 19 17:29:44 - Thomas: Both shots are true. The Gamorrean slides down the remainder of the stairs, coming to a rest before Keeor's feet. 17:29:58 - Thomas: "Stun," she says to Sara. 17:30:20 - Thomas: Neela leaps over the knocked out Gammorean and bounds upstairs. 17:31:01 - Thomas: "I think we're safe now," Borda says to Kai'la. She glares at him. "Good," she says, throwing the royal family member off her. 17:32:00 - Thomas: Paola gets up to follow Neela. 17:32:37 - [Thomas->Keeor] Do you have to go now, or can you hang out for another twenty minutes or so? 17:32:53 - * Sara checks to verify that the Gammorean is stunned. 17:33:02 - [Keeor->Thomas] 20 minutes is fine. 17:33:16 - [Thomas->Keeor] Cool. 17:33:36 - Thomas: Sara: Yep, he's out cold. 17:33:40 - * Keeor kicks away his blaster rifle and keeps his hold-out blaster aimed at the Gammorean. 17:34:45 - * Sara follows Neela upstairs with her sword at the ready. 17:34:51 - Thomas: Kai'la rushes over and picks up the blaster rifle. "Yoink," she says. 17:36:21 - [Thomas->Sara] Upstairs, Neela has her blasters pointed down the hall. A bald man in dark clothes holds a small blaster at Princess Reppana's head. "Sara?" Neela asks, clearly looking for guidance here. 17:37:10 - Thomas: From downstairs, you can see Sara and Paola come to a halt at the top of the stairs. "Unhand her, varlet!" shouts Paola. 17:37:43 - Thomas: Neela is just out of site, around the corner. (for all you downstairs peoples) 17:38:04 - [Sara->Thomas] I don't know how to srespond to you both, so I will just respond to you right now. Sara moves forward, what are your demands, good sir? 17:39:07 - Thomas: "What are your demands, good sir," asks Sara, as she walks away from the stairs, down the hall. 17:39:46 - * Keeor stays where he is, ready to react in any direction when needed. 17:40:08 - [Thomas->Sara] "This is how it's going to go," he responds. "You're all going to put your blasters down and me and the lady are going to walk out of here, okay?" 17:41:10 - * Sara asks "Would you accept me as an alternative hostage?" 17:41:35 - [Sara->Thomas] How close is she to the Rappana and the bald man? 17:42:02 - [Thomas->Sara] You're about four meters away. 17:42:42 - [Sara->Thomas] Is that within charging distance? 17:42:50 - Thomas: "I got this guy," Neela whispers. 17:43:31 - [Thomas->Sara] You can run at him, but if you also attack, you're at -1d. 17:43:37 - [Thomas->Sara] So, yes. 17:43:53 - [Sara->Thomas] Melee or dexterity? 17:44:29 - [Thomas->Sara] If you're planning on attacking, it's your melee attack. Running is an action, so anything else you do in that round is reduced by 1d. 17:44:46 - [Sara->Thomas] Thanx 17:45:00 - [Thomas->Sara] If you're planning on charging and knocking them over, that's brawling. 17:45:45 - Thomas: Keeor and Ren? Still hanging out downstairs? 17:46:34 - Thomas: The man sneers at Sara. "Who are you? You're not worth anything." 17:46:54 - Ren: I make my way to the foot of the stairs, so I can get a better grasp of what's happening. 17:47:04 - Keeor: Yes, staying where I am for now. 17:47:12 - Keeor: Blaster pointed up the stairs now. 17:47:22 - Thomas: "Mrrrmph, mmmpf mm!" demands the gagged Princess Reppana. 17:48:15 - Thomas: Neela takes a step to her left, blasters still trained on the villain. Paola takes a step backwards. 17:49:56 - Thomas: Kai'la sighs. "Nothing but trouble," she mutters. "Frelling princesses." 17:50:13 - Sara: Indeed? And who is she? As a member of the security force here, I am confident that I am worth something. 17:52:14 - * Sara crouches, moving her sword towards the ground. 17:52:24 - Thomas: "Don't make me laugh," the man says. "Princess red-locks here is worth more than you make in a solar year. Now put your weapons down, NOW!" 17:53:42 - Thomas: "I got this guy," Neela whispers again. 17:53:46 - * Keeor hides at the bottom of the stairs again and aims his weapon at the top. 17:53:58 - Thomas: The man steps forward, urging Reppana forward. 17:55:07 - [Sara->Thomas] sara motions for Neela to shoot! 17:55:36 - Thomas: Paola looks frightened. "Don't worry, my dear," he says. "Everything's going to be just fine." 17:55:52 - Thomas: Suddenly Sara nods to Neela, who fires. 17:56:04 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 6d6+2: 1 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 6 = 19, modified by 2 = 21 17:56:23 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 2d6: 1 + 1 = 2 17:56:36 - Keeor: Whoah. 17:56:39 - Thomas: OH MY 17:56:48 - Keeor: (I think she got him.) 17:57:01 - [Sara->Thomas] Wow. 17:57:04 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6: 1 + 5 + 4 + 1 = 11 17:58:07 - Thomas: The hallway is brilliantly lit by a red blaster shot. An instant later, the man falls to the ground. Reppana screams as best she can behind the gag. 17:58:41 - Thomas: "Told you I had him," Neela says, unmoving. 17:59:05 - Thomas: "Reppana!" Paola shouts, rushing forward. 17:59:25 - Thomas: out of combat rounds 17:59:35 - Sara: "What were you waiting for!" Sara says as she leaps forward to make sure baldy is incapacitated. 17:59:41 - * Keeor tries to find some way to tie up the Gamorrean. 18:00:17 - Thomas: "Mmmrrph! Mrr-oowch!" the princess says as the gag is ripped off her. 18:00:47 - Thomas: "What were you waiting for?" she yells at Neela. "Why didn't you shoot him sooner?" 18:01:06 - Thomas: Neela takes a few moments before she holsters her blasters. 18:01:17 - Keeor: (Heheheheheheh.) 18:01:55 - Thomas: "Oh, Paola," she says. "We are so grateful you arrived when you did." 18:02:19 - Sara: Much rolling of the eyes. 18:02:34 - Thomas: Keeor finds some decorative rope that ties the curtains back. That might work. 18:03:05 - * Keeor tries his best to make it work. 18:03:13 - Thomas: Excellent. 18:03:22 - Thomas: Ren's comlink starts chriping. 18:03:33 - [Thomas->Ren] Your comlink starts chirping away. It's R2-D0, trying to get your attention. 18:03:50 - * Ren activates it. 18:04:35 - Thomas: Neela comes down the stairs after checking to see there's no other bad guys up there. "Her Snottiness said there were only the three," she says to Kai'la. 18:04:54 - Thomas: "I would've been tempted to miss," Kai'la responds. 18:05:03 - Thomas: "Thought about it," Neela says. 18:05:10 - [Thomas->Ren] The Saucy Wench has gotten a coded signal from the Alliance. Either you or Kai'la needs to get to the flight deck of the ship to decode the message. 18:05:18 - Keeor: "Where are the rest of the servants?" 18:05:55 - * Ren takes Kai'la aside to talk in private. 18:06:17 - [Ren->Thomas] Okeydoke. I tell her that. 18:06:26 - [Keeor->Thomas] I should try to leave ASAP. 18:06:33 - Thomas: "Two of them are upstairs," the Princess says, decending the staircase, arm-in-arm with her hero. 18:06:45 - [Thomas->Keeor] Okay. We're pretty much done here. 18:07:38 - [Keeor->Thomas] Also, Keeor would like to talk to the rest of the group about some suspicions he has about the nature of this kidnapping. Mostly idle speculation, but remind me to do it and maybe try to figure out an appropriate time for it. 18:08:06 - Thomas: "Our bodyguard was the one the overly large one you shot upstairs," she says to Neela. "So, we thank you." 18:08:26 - Thomas: (Ignore that extra "the one".) 18:09:10 - Keeor: (He was a traitor? Is that what she's saying?) 18:09:27 - Thomas: Kai'la looks up in surprise from her conversation with Ren. "Folks, we've got to run," she says. "We'll call station security to have them come by and sort out this mess." 18:09:42 - Thomas: (Yes, that's what she's saying.) 18:10:30 - * Sara turns, surprised Kai'la would talk about "running" from reward monies. She starts down the stairs. 18:11:06 - Thomas: "Borda, would you be a dear and let us borrow the speeder?" she asks. When he hesitates, she leans in closer and whispers something in his ear. "Of course," he replies. 18:12:06 - Thomas: "Are you certain you have to leave so soon?" Paola asks. 18:12:37 - Thomas: "Yes," Kai'la replies. "Very certain. Reppana, it was a pleasure as always. We'll send a bill." 18:13:00 - Thomas: She grabs Rens arm and practically runs out through the kitchen. 18:13:13 - * Keeor follows. 18:13:18 - * Sara follows the group. 18:13:34 - Thomas: Neela tags along. 18:13:45 - Ren: eeeee. 18:14:22 - Thomas: Everyone piles into the speeder. "Sorry," Kai'la says as Ren starts driving. "Just got a coded message from the Alliance. We've got to get back to the Saucy Wench right now." 18:14:33 - Thomas: DUN DUN DUNNNN! |
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Here begins the ever-growing copyright block. Gamma World and Omega World are probably trademarks of Wizards of the Coast. Hellboy is copyright 2004 Mike Mignola. Stargate SG-1 is a trademark of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. The majority of the text used in the Stargate SG-1 game is copyright 2004 John Tynes. Some text used in the Stargate SG-1 game is copyright 2004 Andy Slack. West End Games and the D6 System ™ & © 2004 Purgatory Publishing Inc. Buffy, the Vampire Slayer is probably a trademark of Mutant Enemy. The BtVS board game is probably copyright 2004 Hasbro Games. Star Wars ™ & © 2004 LucasFilm Ltd. WizKids, LLC has sole ownership of the names, logo, artwork, marks, photographs, sounds, audio, video and/or any proprietary material used in connection with the game Shadowrun. WizKids, LLC has granted permission to gameworld.thesnakefarm.com to use such names, logos, artwork, marks and/or any proprietary materials for promotional and informational purposes on its website but does not endorse, and is not affiliated with gameworld.thesnakefarm.com in any official capacity whatsoever. Pretty much everything here is used without permission. All Rights Reserved. Have some sort of compulstion to send me e-mail? Try gameworld@thesnakefarm.com, unless you are a spambot. I am quite happy with the size of my penis, thank you. |