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![]() Introduction | Basic Rules | Advancing Characters | Combat Basics Rules Questions | Character Templates | Gear | Transcripts transcripts The following is more or less unedited for those of that are curious about how a play-by-chat-room session looks. Times are listed to give the curious an idea about how long it takes a conversation or game action to be completed. This session ran three hours and seven-ish minutes. rescuing dana 14:33:02 - Thomas: So, in our last adventure, y'all delivered a princess/spoiled brat to Kwenn Space Station, helped out her suitor to woo her, and then were notified that back at your ship, you had an urgent coded message from the Rebel Alliance. 14:33:07 - Keeor: OK. 14:33:46 - Sara: Right. 14:33:54 - Keeor: Still on the phone, trying to pay attention, ready to go, though. 14:34:31 - Thomas: Now, the crew of the Saucy Wench are gathered on the flight deck as Kai'la enters her access code to decrypt the message. 14:34:47 - Thomas: "Greetings," sounds a voice you know all to well. Princess Leia Organa, one of the leaders of the Alliance, the one that suggested you and your troupe could do the most good "out in the wild" collecting information for the Alliance, recorded this message to you. "There is little time to act; I hope this message gets to you in time, for you are the only operatives that can save a fellow Alliance agent." 14:35:19 - Thomas: The recording continues, "We've had an operative named Dana placed on board the Relentless, an Imperial Star Destroyer now currently docked at Kwenn Space Station and is undergoing repairs after a battle with a pirate fleet in the Junex System. Luckily, we've been able to find out you are also at Kwenn and are in a position to assist our agent." 14:36:05 - Thomas: "Once out of hyperspace, Dana was able to send a burst transmission to us -- Code Green." You remember that code: agent in trouble, pick up immediately. "The only other thing in the transmission was a name, Adar Tallon, and a location on Kwenn to rendevous with our agent. That location is encrypted and attached to this coded message. Your R2 unit can translate the coordinates. You must pick up Dana at 2100 arns this day at that location and bring her to Tierfon outpost immediately." 14:37:22 - Thomas: "You are her only hope. Move quickly and may the Force be with you. End of transmission." The recording ends as R2-D0 whoops. 14:37:37 - Sara: Ahhhhh, rescue work. Gotta love it. 14:37:38 - Ren: On b-board that thing? Is she serious? 14:38:06 - Sara: Problem Ren? 14:38:56 - Ren: It's a S-Star Destroyer! 14:39:08 - Sara: Oh Joy! 14:39:19 - Ren: Giant! Filled with troopers! 14:40:16 - Thomas: Artoo-Deo rolls up to the navicomputer. A panel in front of the little droid pops open, revealing a computer interface arm, which extends to connect to the port. The display changes to a set of schematics. 14:40:25 - Thomas: The schematics R2-D0 brings up are of the substation passageways, the working underbelly of Kwenn. Whereas the main part of the station is a bright, flashy resort in the stars, the substation is where all the work takes place. Here, long, clean, empty corridors stretch for dekometers on end, connecting ship to ship for easy transferrence of cargo, legal and otherwise. 14:41:09 - Thomas: Dana's rendevous point flashes red. She wants you to meet her nearly halfway across the station, two levels up... right over the Imperial Star Destroyer Relentless. Meet her at 2100? That's only a few minutes from now... blast that Reppana! It took you nearly a full arn to get back across the station from her estate. 14:41:43 - Sara: Well, we best move if we are to meet there. 14:42:23 - * Sara checks her equipment. No time to change out of the uniforms we are currently wearing. Maybe they will be useful. 14:42:40 - Thomas: Kai'la groans. "See? If we had just listened to me and ditched the royals, we'd already be at the meeting." 14:44:05 - Sara: "True enough Kai'la, but then again, we would not be here either." 14:44:27 - * Sara turns and starts heading towards the outside of the ship. 14:44:29 - Keeor: Let's go! 14:44:33 - Ren: Mmmm. Let's go. The sooner w-we're as far away from that thing as we can get, the b-better. The speeder the fastest way? 14:44:38 - Thomas: Her headtails twitch briefly. "True," she says. 14:45:27 - Sara: Ah, the speeder. Good thinking. Let's go. 14:45:39 - Thomas: Neela examines the schematics. "Looks like," she replies. "We can go up top-side and head over to a central access to the sub-station. Might cut off a few minutes." 14:46:10 - Thomas: "Sounds good to me," Kai'la says, grabbing her blaster. "Let's move." 14:47:31 - Thomas: There's one of those wipes and we see the crew rushing through the station on the speeder, then another cut as they enter the sub-station, then another cut as they're in the cooridors beneath the station proper. 14:48:15 - Thomas: "Just down this way," Kai'la says, looking at a pocket computer. "We're only a few minutes late." 14:48:25 - Ren: Dank. 14:49:12 - Thomas: Kai'la leads the way down another corridor, on the way to met agent Dana. 14:49:39 - Sara: Sara looks around for someone who appears to be waiting. 14:49:42 - * Ren hurries along behind, hand nervously on blade. 14:49:42 - Thomas: There are few people in the understation as you make your way to the rendevous point. Obviously, people are giving the Imperial presence a wide berth. The blast doors in your path slide open, revealing the last stretch of the corridor that leads to airlock AE6, where Dana... lies at the far end of the corridor, fifteen meters away. Standing over the female Alliance operative are three figures, an Imperial officer and two dangerous-looking customers: a short, wiry female in padded armor and a tall, scaley humanoid armed with a blaster rifle. Behind them, on the other side of the airlock door is a figure in blue and grey full-body battle armor. 14:50:10 - Thomas: ut-oh. 14:50:14 - Ren: Oh dear. 14:50:23 - Thomas: combat rounds 14:51:40 - Thomas: action declaration: 2d -- imperial officer first. 14:52:40 - Thomas: The Imperial Officer looks up and points to your group. "Them!" he says. 14:53:24 - Thomas: Ren? Your actions? 14:53:31 - Ren: Yeep. 14:53:58 - Thomas: (Oh, and just so it's clear, the speeder was left top-side. It's about a five minute jog back to the access point.) 14:54:00 - Ren: Duck and cover. I'm dodging. 14:55:32 - Thomas: Neela says "Oh, crap," and unslings her blaster rifle, shooting at the bounty hunter on the right (the tall, scaley one). 14:56:52 - Thomas: The female bounty hunter looks up and lobs a small sphere your way. 14:57:41 - Thomas: The other points his blaster rifle down the hall at your group, firing once at Neela and once at Kai'la. 14:57:47 - Thomas: Sara, Keeor? 14:58:38 - Sara: Sara runs forward towards the group, drawing her sword. 14:58:46 - Keeor: I'll pull out my holdout blaster and aim for the officer, but not shoot yet. 14:58:49 - Thomas: Kai'la ducks out of the way, behind the part of the corridor that houses the blast doors where she can take cover. 14:59:18 - Thomas: The figure in blue and grey closes the airlock. 14:59:47 - Thomas: let's see the resolution of all this 15:00:04 - Thomas: Ren: make a dodge roll. 15:00:21 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 3d6+2: 4 + 3 + 1 = 8, modified by 2 = 10 15:00:29 - [RinkChat] User Ren rolls 2d6+1: 2 + 6 = 8, modified by 1 = 9 15:00:40 - Ren: :( 15:01:09 - Thomas: Both you and Kai'la duck for the same spot. 15:01:23 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 5d6+1: 2 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 6 = 20, modified by 1 = 21 15:01:56 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 5d6: 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 5 = 12 15:02:10 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 3d6: 6 + 2 + 1 = 9 15:02:59 - Thomas: However, Ren manages to catch Kai'la as she's hit in the side by the blaster rifle. 15:03:15 - Ren: Aiee! 15:04:09 - Thomas: "OW!" she screams in pain. Well, that and a lot of other words that you really didn't think she knew. 15:04:25 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 5d6+1: 4 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 = 14, modified by 1 = 15 15:04:33 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 6d6: 6 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 2 + 4 = 23 15:04:39 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 1d6: 2 = 2 15:05:32 - Thomas: Neela manages to hit the scaled humanoid before he can get another shot off. 15:06:07 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6: 1 + 3 + 1 + 5 = 10 15:06:40 - Thomas: (I am so totally doing all this out of order, but the throw for the grenade came in after everything anyway...) 15:06:53 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 5d6: 3 + 6 + 2 + 4 + 1 = 16 15:07:02 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6+2: 6 + 6 + 3 + 6 = 21, modified by 2 = 23 15:07:13 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 1d6: 2 = 2 15:07:38 - Thomas: (that last batch of dice rolls was to determine the effects of Neela's shot on the bad guy. 15:08:07 - Sara: OK, I was really worried, with all of those sixes. 15:08:22 - Thomas: The humanoid is knocked to the floor. 15:09:07 - Thomas: Now for that grenade. 15:09:22 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 1d6: 5 = 5 15:09:23 - Keeor: Yuck. 15:09:37 - Sara: Yay, only one die! 15:10:06 - Keeor: Yeah, that helps. :-) 15:10:10 - Thomas: The grenade strikes a lighting fixture in the ceiling and bounces off to the right wall, where it explodes. 15:11:34 - Thomas: Now I get to make rolls to see if people are caught in the fringe of the blast. 15:11:37 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6: 1 + 2 + 5 + 1 = 9 15:11:46 - Keeor: Oh, goody. 15:12:15 - Keeor: Can I make a dodge attempt if I am caught in it? 15:12:19 - Thomas: BOOOMPH says Mister Happy Grenade as it lands behind a waste container, showering the hallway with garbage. 15:12:32 - Sara: Stink bomb 15:12:40 - Keeor: Heheheheh. 15:12:44 - Thomas: It doesn't matter -- that nine wasn't going to catch anyone. 15:13:03 - Thomas: Except for Sara, who was running forward. 15:13:17 - Thomas: Sara, you can attempt to drop prone if you wish. 15:14:22 - Sara: OK, she will drop prone. 15:14:43 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 3d6+2: 1 + 4 + 3 = 8, modified by 2 = 10 15:15:07 - Thomas: Sara ducks behind one of those numerous outcroppings that appear in science-fiction hallways, shielding her from the blast. 15:15:37 - Thomas: next round 15:16:35 - Thomas: The Imperial officer now has a comlink out and his blaster pistol. He backs to the airlock door the armored person closed and attempts to open the airlock. 15:16:58 - Thomas: He's talking into the comlink. 15:18:17 - Thomas: The scaled humanoid gets up to his feet again and throws a grenade at your group. 15:18:28 - Thomas: Oh, sorry. Ren? Your actions? 15:19:11 - Ren: Can I give aid to Kai'la? 15:20:01 - Thomas: Seeing as how I messed up the order things were supposed to happen in, I downgraded her wound status from Wounded to Stunned. She's okay this round. 15:21:35 - Ren: Okay. Hm. Can I rush the officer with my blade? 15:22:00 - [Thomas->Keeor] Alien Races reall y is for knowledge of customs and societies as well as physical appearance. 15:22:42 - [Keeor->Thomas] Right, makes sense. 15:23:07 - Thomas: The way the bad guys are in relation to your group is the female human is closest, right next to the other one with the blaster rifle. Behind them is the Impy, who is right next to the airlock door. 15:24:07 - Thomas: So yes, you could, but I'd bet even money that if you do, the two bad guys that declare after you will probably mow you down with their blaster rifles. 15:24:18 - Ren: Eee. I think I'll keep out of the way and dodge for now. 15:24:28 - Thomas: Sounds good. 15:25:17 - Thomas: The Trandoshan (that's the scaley humanoid) will lob his grenade while the female fires twice, once at Neela, once at Keeor. 15:25:53 - Keeor: Uh-oh. 15:26:00 - Thomas: Neela dodges out of the way and fires once more at the Trandoshan. 15:26:12 - Thomas: Sara? Keeor? 15:26:29 - Keeor: I'm going to dodge, and fire at the officer. 15:26:56 - Thomas: Kai'la peeks out of cover and fires once at the female. 15:26:56 - Keeor: I assume that my action last round counts as aiming, so I get the bonues die to attack, which I lose now since I'm dodging as well? 15:27:03 - Thomas: Yes it does. 15:27:58 - Sara: Sara is going to charge forward once again, she will attack the female. 15:28:05 - Thomas: (Sara is now about half-way to the bad guys, 7m out. She is 6m from the rest of the group). 15:28:10 - Thomas: Okay. 15:28:18 - Thomas: resolution 15:29:16 - Thomas: Neela's shot might affect the grenade throw, so we'll compare Neela's shot to the Tradoshan's throw roll. If she beats his, she shoots him before he throws. Neela: 15:29:20 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 6d6: 5 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 4 + 2 = 19 15:29:30 - Keeor: I haven't seen a declared action in either round for the officer -- is there a reason for that? 15:29:30 - Thomas: Trandoshan: 15:30:05 - Thomas: Keeor: He's talking on his comlink, trying to open the airlock. 15:30:13 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6: 2 + 5 + 4 + 1 = 12 15:30:29 - Keeor: Oh, that's his action. I see. Sorry. 15:30:49 - Thomas: She hits him first...whups, forgot about her dodge, so I'll take off her last die she rolled.. with a 17, she still hits him first. 15:31:00 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 5d6: 6 + 2 + 6 + 2 + 1 = 17 15:31:14 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6+2: 2 + 4 + 4 + 1 = 11, modified by 2 = 13 15:31:42 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 1d6: 4 = 4 15:32:43 - Thomas: The Trandoshan is hit in the left shoulder as he throws the grenade, but as he falls, he's unbalanced, dropping the grenade two meters in front of him. 15:32:56 - Thomas: Sara, make a dodge roll. 15:32:58 - Sara: CRUD! 15:33:11 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 3d6+2: 2 + 1 + 2 = 5, modified by 2 = 7 15:33:19 - Sara: Uh oH 15:33:23 - Keeor: [Hehehehehe, you seem to be having bad luck with grenades. :-) ] 15:33:25 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6: 4 + 1 + 4 + 3 = 12 15:33:39 - Sara: These people can't throw! 15:33:55 - Thomas: There's a rather large explosion that Sara dives into at the far end of the hallway. 15:34:22 - Keeor: Ouch. 15:34:24 - Thomas: Sara, roll your Strength to resist damage/ 15:34:31 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6: 2 + 2 + 2 + 5 = 11 15:34:44 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 3d6: 6 + 2 + 4 = 12 15:34:51 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 1d6: 2 = 2 15:35:13 - Sara: I think I may need to add Jack to my coke. 15:35:36 - Keeor: Heheh. 15:35:45 - Thomas: Sara dives forward as she realizes the grenade is about to go off right there! Crap! She twists out of the way and winds up on the floor with her breath knocked out. 15:36:22 - Keeor: Nice. Good to be only stunned. 15:36:25 - Thomas: But now, let's see if the female was able to fire before Neela did. 15:36:32 - Sara: Indeed! 15:36:44 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 5d6+1: 6 + 6 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 24, modified by 1 = 25 15:36:53 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 1d6: 2 = 2 15:37:48 - Thomas: (You know, I've got to really do this in order... That would've meant that she would've hit Neela before she attacked the Trandoshan... Oh well.) 15:38:05 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 3d6+2: 1 + 6 + 5 = 12, modified by 2 = 14 15:38:16 - Keeor: (I was thinking that, but I wasn't going to say anything. :-) ) 15:38:34 - Thomas: This roll was for Neela's defense and she's lucky she got to 14 there instead of 13... 15:39:01 - Thomas: Oh! And she was dodging. I have to add this to the target number: 15:39:06 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6: 6 + 6 + 3 + 3 = 18 15:39:13 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 1d6: 4 = 4 15:39:22 - Thomas: ... which makes it a clean miss. 15:39:49 - Thomas: So, the woman that was shooting missed Neela anyway, Neela got her shot off, the Trandoshan dropped the grenade... 15:39:49 - Keeor: So it all worked out anyway. 15:40:20 - Sara: For the most part. 15:40:29 - Thomas: Yes. Now to see what happened after the grenade went off. Grenade hit for the woman: 15:41:25 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6: 5 + 5 + 2 + 5 = 17 15:41:38 - Thomas: Her dodge to get out of the way: 15:41:49 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 5d6: 2 + 1 + 6 + 5 + 4 = 18 15:42:05 - Thomas: She falls prone and cannot fire for the rest of the round. 15:42:12 - Thomas: Now for the imperial. 15:42:16 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6: 4 + 2 + 4 + 2 = 12 15:42:27 - Thomas: dodge: 15:42:31 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 3d6+2: 5 + 5 + 1 = 11, modified by 2 = 13 15:42:41 - Thomas: He's now prone. 15:42:48 - Thomas: Now, Keeor can fire at him. 15:43:25 - Thomas: Hold-out blaster? Long range. You'll need a 19 to hit him. 15:43:27 - [RinkChat] User Keeor rolls 3d6+2: 4 + 3 + 2 = 9, modified by 2 = 11 15:43:35 - Keeor: Dang. 15:43:36 - Ren: :( 15:43:38 - Thomas: Kai'la also fires at the downed woman. 15:43:46 - Keeor: I think I need something with better range. 15:44:05 - Thomas: You got 'im right where he was standing! Too bad he hit the deck! 15:44:16 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6+1: 6 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 14, modified by 1 = 15 15:44:24 - Thomas: (this is Kai'la's shot) 15:44:28 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 1d6: 2 = 2 15:44:42 - Thomas: She hits. 15:44:54 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 5d6: 6 + 4 + 6 + 5 + 6 = 27 15:45:00 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 1d6: 6 = 6 15:45:03 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 1d6: 5 = 5 15:45:09 - Thomas: 38? 15:45:11 - Thomas: Whoa. 15:45:31 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6+2: 3 + 1 + 6 + 4 = 14, modified by 2 = 16 15:45:43 - Thomas: The chick is toast. 15:46:05 - Thomas: She's down for the count. 15:46:13 - Thomas: Was that everyone? 15:46:42 - Keeor: I think so. 15:46:56 - Thomas: Okay, next round. 15:47:00 - Keeor: And oh my goodness DAMAGE from Kai'la. 15:47:12 - Keeor: What is she firing that does 5d6? I WANTS. 15:47:23 - Thomas: The imperial officer scrambles for his comlink and will have it at the end of the round. 15:47:32 - Thomas: She's got a heavy blaster pistol. 15:47:40 - Keeor: Cool. 15:47:43 - Thomas: Ren? Actions? 15:48:46 - Ren: Who's still standing, and how fast can the people who're down get up or react if I tried to run down there? 15:48:47 - Keeor: So we have a Trandoshan still standing and an Imperial officer on the ground and a knocked out (possibly dead) chick? 15:49:17 - Thomas: Everyone on the far end of the corridor (including Sara) is on the ground. 15:49:57 - Thomas: You can run down there in the first action segment while they're trying to get up. They'll all act in the second action segment. 15:50:43 - Keeor: We could run the whole way in the first action segment? 15:50:46 - Thomas: You'll also be acting in the second action segment if you decide to start lopping off heads. 15:50:56 - Keeor: Would that just be a 1d penalty in the second segment? 15:51:05 - Thomas: Yes it would. 15:51:53 - Ren: I'm going to run for it, despite my better judgement. 15:52:21 - Thomas: Okay. You're running to the badguys. 15:52:42 - Thomas: Trandoshan -- he gets into a crouching position and fires at Ren. 15:52:50 - Sara: Pray they don't through any more grenades. 15:53:00 - Thomas: Neela fires back at the Trandoshan. 15:53:07 - Thomas: Sara, Keeor? 15:53:30 - Keeor: I'm going to run down there and do whatever I can to keep the officer off his comlink. 15:53:47 - Sara: Sara attacks the Imperial officer. 15:53:50 - Thomas: Okay. 15:53:52 - Thomas: Okay. 15:54:10 - Thomas: Kai'la fires at the Trandoshan as well. 15:54:24 - Thomas: Now let's see if I can do this in order: 15:55:18 - Thomas: Ren, Keeor, Sara, Trandoshan all do movement actions (getting up or running). The Impy scrambles for his comlink. Kai'la and Neela fire at the Trandoshan. 15:55:24 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 6d6: 6 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 6 = 24 15:55:32 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 1d6: 5 = 5 15:55:46 - Thomas: I would say Neela hits the dude. 15:55:54 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 5d6: 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 13 15:56:04 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6+2: 6 + 1 + 6 + 5 = 18, modified by 2 = 20 15:56:10 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 1d6: 2 = 2 15:56:33 - Thomas: He drops again, to the ground, stunned. Kai'la attempts to finish him off. 15:56:44 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6+1: 2 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 11, modified by 1 = 12 15:56:56 - Thomas: But she misses him with that shot. 15:57:09 - Sara: Finish him Ren! 15:57:24 - Thomas: Ren has run to the far end and he's a bit winded. 15:57:30 - Ren: :-. 15:57:39 - Thomas: Keeor steps on the Imperial's hand. 15:57:46 - Thomas: Sara, attack the Imperial. 15:57:55 - Ren: We need a treadmill on the Wench. 15:58:19 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 4d6+2: 4 + 1 + 1 + 3 = 9, modified by 2 = 11 15:59:16 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 2d6+1: 4 + 4 = 8, modified by 1 = 9 16:00:16 - Thomas: Sara clubs him on the side of the head and he stays prone on the ground. 16:00:58 - Thomas: Next round: 16:01:11 - [Keeor->Thomas] What kind of damage do my unarmed brawling attacks do? 16:01:23 - [Thomas->Keeor] STR damage. 16:02:07 - Thomas: The Imperial glares at the two standing over him. "I'll see you both hanged for this," he says. 16:02:10 - Thomas: Ren? 16:02:35 - Ren: Who's in stabbing range? 16:02:48 - Thomas: The Imperial and the Trandoshan. 16:03:09 - Thomas: The woman is also, but she's knocked out. 16:03:22 - Ren: I'll stab the lizardman. 16:03:26 - Thomas: Okay. 16:03:47 - Thomas: He'll attempt to parry your stab, then shoot you point blank with his blaster rifle. 16:03:57 - Thomas: Neela advances up the hallway. 16:04:07 - Thomas: Keeor? Sara? 16:04:37 - Keeor: I'm going to try to punch the officer into unconsciousness. 16:04:41 - Ren: Uh oh. 16:04:44 - Thomas: "Ren! No!" Kai'la shouts as she runs forward. 16:05:06 - Sara: Then Sara will attack the Trandoshan also 16:05:16 - Keeor: OH CRAP 16:05:26 - Keeor: I need to read first. Can I change my action? 16:05:27 - Thomas: Okay. He'll also attempt to parry that. 16:05:39 - Keeor: I want to try and disarm the Trandoshan. 16:05:56 - Thomas: How? 16:05:58 - Keeor: Having a high perception doesn't help much when I keep missing things that have been said. 16:06:42 - Keeor: Hrm, OK, never mind. I'll stick with the officer. 16:06:50 - Thomas: Okay. 16:06:57 - Keeor: Back to the punching to unconsciousness. 16:06:59 - Thomas: So let's see how this will play out. 16:07:10 - Thomas: First, he melee parry roll for the Trandoshan. 16:07:32 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6: 1 + 5 + 2 + 6 = 14 16:07:39 - Thomas: Not too bad. 16:08:59 - Thomas: Ren, roll your attack. With that parry, you need... to roll hight. 16:09:10 - Thomas: Sara, also roll your attack. 16:09:11 - Ren: :( 16:09:30 - [RinkChat] User Ren rolls 3d6: 5 + 1 + 4 = 10 16:10:10 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 4d6+2: 2 + 5 + 1 + 3 = 11, modified by 2 = 13 16:10:32 - Ren: I've overestimated my ass-whuppin' capabilities. 16:11:16 - Thomas: He brings the rifle up, smacking the underside of Ren's arm. The stab goes wild. The Trandoshan turns and blocks Sara's slash with the barrel of his gun in one continuous motion. He completes the move by pointing the weapon at Ren and... 16:11:34 - Ren: AIEE 16:11:37 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 3d6+1: 6 + 2 + 6 = 14, modified by 1 = 15 16:11:49 - Thomas: OOPS LOOKS BAD. 16:11:59 - * Thomas doesn't even roll that wild six as that hit. 16:12:05 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 5d6: 4 + 5 + 6 + 3 + 1 = 19 16:12:15 - Thomas: Ren, roll STR to resist damage. 16:12:21 - Ren: Uh oh. 16:12:31 - [RinkChat] User Ren rolls 2d6+2: 2 + 3 = 5, modified by 2 = 7 16:13:26 - Thomas: ...point blank with a blaster rifle. Not a pretty sight. Ren goes flying backwards and slumps to the ground. 16:13:33 - Sara: Ouch! 16:13:50 - Ren: X-o 16:13:51 - [Thomas->Ren] You are Incapacitated. You are ko'ed and cannot do anything at all until healed. 16:14:07 - Thomas: Keeor: Punch that dude. 16:14:19 - Keeor: Uh... 16:14:28 - Thomas: "I'll see you both hanged for this," the Imperial says. 16:14:32 - Keeor: Dang, sorry. My chat frame stopped refreshing. 16:14:34 - Thomas: (roll Brawling.) 16:15:11 - [RinkChat] User Keeor rolls 4d6+2: 6 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 10, modified by 2 = 12 16:15:22 - Thomas: WHOO. 16:15:23 - [RinkChat] User Keeor rolls 1d6: 4 = 4 16:15:35 - Thomas: Roll Str for damage. 16:15:41 - Keeor: 16 total. 16:15:43 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 2d6+1: 1 + 2 = 3, modified by 1 = 4 16:15:47 - Sara: Great roll! 16:15:49 - [RinkChat] User Keeor rolls 3d6+1: 3 + 4 + 2 = 9, modified by 1 = 10 16:16:01 - Keeor: 10 for damage. 16:16:11 - Keeor: Yay! Looks like enough to knock him out! 16:16:18 - Thomas: SOCKO. He's out. Any witty bon mots as you punch him? 16:16:31 - Keeor: My fists speak louder than my words. 16:16:54 - * Keeor clenches tighter and turns towards the Trandoshan who just shot his friend. 16:16:57 - Thomas: Next round. Trandoshan fires at Sara. 16:18:33 - Thomas: Neela says, "Frelling crap!" and fires at the Trandoshan three times with her rifle. 16:18:34 - Keeor: (Note for future reference: Keeor's player isn't witty enough to make Keeor witty, so assume good stuff when the situation demands it. ;-) ) 16:18:45 - Thomas: Keeor, Sara? 16:19:15 - Keeor: I want to try and disarm the Trandoshan with a brawling attack, the way I did with the servants in the first adventure. 16:19:21 - Thomas: Kai'la runs over to Ren. 16:19:29 - Thomas: Okay. 16:19:32 - Thomas: Sara? 16:19:37 - Sara: Sara dodges 16:20:42 - Sara: Sara attempts to knock the rifle away, instead of dodging. 16:21:21 - Thomas: Okay. So let's see. 16:22:19 - Thomas: That's pretty much everyone concentrating on one charater. Let's have Sara and Keeor make their melee and brawling attacks, respectively, then Neela's multi-shot attack, and the Trandoshan's shot at Sara. Start a'rollin! 16:22:31 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 3d6: 1 + 5 + 6 = 12 16:22:33 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 4d6+2: 3 + 4 + 4 + 5 = 16, modified by 2 = 18 16:22:38 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 3d6: 1 + 5 + 3 = 9 16:22:43 - [RinkChat] User Keeor rolls 4d6+2: 6 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 12, modified by 2 = 14 16:22:44 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 3d6: 3 + 3 + 5 = 11 16:22:48 - [RinkChat] User Keeor rolls 1d6: 4 = 4 16:22:58 - Keeor: 18 total for my brawling attack. 16:23:04 - Thomas: and the all-important shot by the villain... 16:23:18 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6+1: 4 + 3 + 2 + 2 = 11, modified by 1 = 12 16:23:39 - Keeor: Ha ha! 16:23:42 - Thomas: Sara, also make a dodge roll. 16:23:48 - Keeor: He's goin' down. 16:23:49 - Thomas: (at -1d) 16:24:14 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 2d6+2: 5 + 6 = 11, modified by 2 = 13 16:24:54 - Keeor: [Is that dodge roll because she is attacking before him, so she can dodge for free so you just tell her to do so?] 16:25:54 - Thomas: (that's in case you don't get the weapon out of the way) Now, let's have Sara and Keeor do opposed Str checks against the bad guy. Whomever gets higher on your total will be used against the disarm/thwack. 16:26:09 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 2d6+2: 1 + 4 = 5, modified by 2 = 7 16:26:14 - [RinkChat] User Keeor rolls 3d6+1: 4 + 6 + 6 = 16, modified by 1 = 17 16:26:16 - Thomas: I think you'll win. 16:26:29 - Keeor: Looks that way. :-) 16:26:30 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 3d6: 2 + 1 + 4 = 7 16:26:40 - Sara: Thanks Keeor! 16:26:41 - Keeor: Yay for butlers! 16:26:43 - Thomas: "Yoink," says Keeor as he grabs the blaster rifle. 16:27:29 - Thomas: ... just as Neela hits him twice. 16:27:32 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 5d6: 1 + 4 + 1 + 3 + 6 = 15 16:27:37 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 5d6: 2 + 3 + 1 + 5 + 6 = 17 16:27:43 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 3d6+2: 1 + 4 + 2 = 7, modified by 2 = 9 16:27:51 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 3d6+2: 1 + 5 + 3 = 9, modified by 2 = 11 16:28:12 - Thomas: He goes down... it looks as if he's dead. 16:28:49 - Thomas: Meanwhile, Kai'la calls for help. "He looks bad..." she says, looking at Ren. 16:29:11 - Sara: Keeor, check on Dana. If she is stable, let's carry her out of here. 16:29:22 - * Keeor grabs a medpac and runs to help Ren. 16:29:35 - Keeor: I have to help Ren first! 16:29:40 - Sara: Never mind then. Sara checks on Dana. 16:29:46 - Thomas: Keeor, make a Medicine roll. You need to beat an 11. 16:29:57 - [RinkChat] User Keeor rolls 4d6: 1 + 2 + 6 + 2 = 11 16:30:07 - Keeor: Does that count? 16:30:16 - Thomas: Yes. That's what you needed. 16:30:24 - Sara: Yay! 16:30:27 - Keeor: Yay! 16:30:35 - [Thomas->Ren] You are now Wounded. All your stats and skills are at -1d. 16:30:50 - Thomas: Ren gasps and opens his eyes. 16:30:51 - Keeor: He's still wounded though, right? :-( 16:31:00 - Thomas: Yes. 16:31:12 - * Keeor tells Ren to take it easy, but he should be OK now. 16:31:20 - Thomas: Sara, make a Perception check. (TN: 8) 16:31:25 - * Keeor then moves to help Sara with Dana. 16:31:30 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 3d6: 1 + 6 + 2 = 9 16:32:02 - Ren: Hurk. 16:32:10 - Thomas: She's dead. You've found a small dart, about a centimeter in length, in the back of her neck. 16:32:45 - Sara: Shes dead. We need to get out of here. Grab the weapons you can, and let's run. 16:33:05 - Keeor: How much would it slow me down to carry Dana's body? 16:33:21 - Thomas: When you roll her over, you see that she's in an Imperial officer's uniform, rank of ensign. Under her body are identification papers, a hold-out blaster, and a data storage pad. 16:33:26 - Keeor: ACK DOORBELL 16:33:29 - Keeor is away. 16:34:13 - Keeor is back. 16:34:21 - Thomas: Neela kicks the Trandoshan. "Good and dead," she says. 16:35:54 - Thomas: "Thank goodness you're all right," Kai'la says to Ren, turning a deeper shade of blue. "I thought..." She regains her composure. "Well, you know how hard it is to find good mechanics." 16:36:36 - Thomas: Keeor could carry her, but probably not move as quickly -- perhaps half to three-quarters speed. 16:37:13 - Keeor: Can I search her quickly to see if she has anything of value on her? 16:37:50 - Thomas: All she's got is the stuff that she must've dropped when killed. 16:37:50 - Sara: We should take the papers, blaster and data storage pad. 16:38:20 - Keeor: Yeah, grab all that, and the dart. 16:38:20 - Sara: Keep the blaster rifle for sure. 16:38:29 - Sara: Neela, any grenades left on that guy? 16:39:02 - Thomas: Neela shakes her head. "Just the blaster rifles on these two." 16:39:03 - Sara: Sara runs over to Kai'la to help her carry Ren back to the speeder. 16:39:13 - * Ren is either blushing, or flush from almost being dead. 16:39:20 - Sara: If they are better than ours, lets nab them. 16:39:41 - Sara: Now, let's get out of here before the guys the imperial officer were talking to show up. 16:39:46 - Thomas: Neela gathers weapons and follows the group back to the speeder. 16:40:53 - Thomas: A few minutes later, you're all back aboard the Saucy Wench. 16:41:07 - Keeor: I'l grab the blaster rifle for future use. 16:41:30 - Thomas: "That could've gone better," Kai'la says, looking over her shoulder at Ren. 16:41:36 - * Ren mumbles to Kai'la, "Who was the guy in the armor, back there, anyway?" 16:41:46 - Thomas: She shrugs. 16:42:13 - Keeor: That guy in the armor worries me. Whoever he was, he got away, and he saw enough to make trouble for us. 16:42:18 - Thomas: Neela asks Sara about the papers and datapad Dana was carrying. "Anything interesting?" 16:43:08 - Sara: Sara looks at the datapad. 16:43:29 - Keeor: Unless we can get access to a bacta tank (or "rejuvination", whatever that means) Ren is going to need time to heal his wounds. 16:43:32 - Thomas: The entries on the datapad are all encoded. 16:43:55 - Sara: Interesting. She looks at the papers. 16:44:41 - Thomas: The paperwork are various Imperial identification papers. 16:44:47 - Sara: Maybe Ren can help decode the entries on the datapad. They are all encoded. 16:44:55 - Sara: What is the name on the papers. 16:45:25 - Thomas: Shalon Dana, Ensign in the Imperial Navy. 16:46:06 - Sara: Sara brings the datapad to Ren. "A puzzle for you while you recover." 16:46:15 - Ren: I-I'm a bit out of it, but maybe I can try. 16:46:35 - [Thomas->Ren] That's a security roll you'll need to make. 16:46:37 - Ren: What're w-we gonna tell the Alliance? 16:46:39 - Sara: I have great faith in your abilities Ren. 16:47:01 - [RinkChat] User Ren rolls 5d6: 6 + 3 + 6 + 4 + 4 = 23 16:47:05 - Sara: Right, perhaps we should pull out of here before we are grounded again. 16:47:16 - Ren: Is that a wild die? 16:47:24 - Sara: Not misplaced faith, I see. 16:47:44 - Sara: Yes, that is. Reroll that 6! 16:47:57 - [RinkChat] User Ren rolls 1d6: 2 = 2 16:48:13 - Thomas: "We're going to have to head back to Tierfon outpost," Kai'la says, sitting in the pilot's chair. "I don't want to stay around her much longer." She begins the sequencing for detaching from the station. 16:48:25 - Thomas: From Agent Dana's datapad, you were able to uncover the following coded message: The Relentless tracked down a renegade pirate fleet in the Junex system and was heavily damaged in the ensuing battle. I was with Captain Parlan when he was interrogating the prisoners -- I still cannot believe it. Adar Tallon, hero of the Old Republic, is alive. And he's hiding on Paradise. We're to dock at Kwenn shortly, already Paraln has called out for bounty hunters. As soon as we dock, Parlan is going to meet with a whole mess of the scum -- They are to hunt down Tallon on Paradise and hold him there until the Relentless finishes repairs and arrives there. Tallon's worth to the Alliance, even as a rallying point is immeasurable.... 16:48:33 - Thomas: ... We must reach him first. As soon as we dock, I'll be contacting the Alliance -- they've got to get me to Paradise before the bounty hunters do. We are Tallon's only hope. 16:48:34 - Sara: Good to be leaving this place. 16:48:46 - Thomas: That's the end of the entry. 16:49:43 - Thomas: "I'm changing out of these clothes," Neela says, heading to her quarters. 16:50:02 - Ren: M-maybe we should contact the Alliance before going anywhere. 16:50:07 - Sara: We need to get to Paradise, it looks like. 16:50:14 - Sara: Good plan. 16:51:24 - Sara: How far is "Paradise" from here. Anyone know? 16:51:37 - Thomas: "We'll head away from the station and contact the Alliance," Kai'la says. "Ren, get me hyperspace coordinates for Paradise... Just in case we have to jump somewhere really quickly." 16:51:50 - Thomas: Everyone make Planetary Systems rolls. 16:52:02 - [RinkChat] User Ren rolls 4d6: 2 + 3 + 6 + 2 = 13 16:52:09 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 2d6+1: 5 + 2 = 7, modified by 1 = 8 16:52:23 - Thomas: "Never heard of it," Kai'la says. 16:53:05 - [RinkChat] User Sara rolls 2d6+1: 3 + 2 = 5, modified by 1 = 6 16:53:40 - Thomas: She turns to the communications systems. "Kween Control, this is the Saucy Wench requesting departure clearance." 16:54:23 - Thomas: Both Ren and Sara shrug. 16:55:20 - [RinkChat] User Keeor rolls 3d6: 6 + 2 + 6 = 14 16:55:35 - Keeor: Woo! Planetary systems! 16:55:48 - Thomas: "Saucy Wench, this is Kwenn Docking Control. Your destination?" 16:56:12 - Thomas: Roll that 6! 16:56:54 - Thomas: Kai'la turns to the group and shrugs. "Uh, Nubia." 16:56:55 - Keeor: Oops! 16:56:59 - [RinkChat] User Keeor rolls 1d6: 5 = 5 16:57:06 - Keeor: Sorry, too much going on here at once. 16:57:10 - Keeor: 19 total on the PS roll. 16:57:36 - Thomas: "Confirmed, Saucy Wench. Departure clearance granted. Head out on vector 242.65. Happy travels." 16:58:02 - Thomas: "Roger, Saucy Wench out," she responds, turning off the communications. 16:59:22 - [Thomas->Keeor] You've heard of Paradise before -- an ice planet at the far end of known space. You've never been there, nor have you met anyone from there. If someone wanted not to be found, there's no further system from the Core Worlds than Paradise. 16:59:58 - Keeor: I've heard of Paradise. 17:00:08 - Thomas: The ship starts to pull out of the station. "Ren, you have those coordinates yet?" Kai'la asks. 17:00:14 - Keeor: It's an ice world, at the far end of known space. I hear it's a great place to hide. 17:00:24 - [Thomas->Ren] Roll an Astrogation check. 17:00:49 - Keeor: Never been there myself, nor have I met anyone from there. 17:00:55 - [RinkChat] User Ren rolls 2d6+2: 1 + 6 = 7, modified by 2 = 9 17:01:07 - Ren: Oops. That's not right. 17:01:13 - Ren: I'm still wounded. 17:01:23 - [RinkChat] User Ren rolls 1d6+2: 1 = 1, modified by 2 = 3 17:01:31 - Ren: Ouch. 17:01:33 - Keeor: Ouch. 17:01:57 - Sara: Uhm, maybe we will get there by accident. 17:02:08 - Thomas: "What do you mean it's not on the navicomputer?" Kai'la shouts. 17:02:15 - Keeor: Can anyone else attempt that? 17:02:20 - * Ren cringes. 17:03:11 - Thomas: "Frell! I'll do it myself," Kai'la says. "Once we're clear of the station, someone else will have to hold the ship steady." 17:03:51 - [RinkChat] User Thomas rolls 4d6+1: 3 + 4 + 5 + 3 = 15, modified by 1 = 16 17:04:37 - Sara: I'll do it. 17:04:53 - Sara: (hold the ship steady, that is.) 17:05:18 - Keeor: I could also try my hand at it, if necessary. 17:05:53 - Thomas: "Wow," she remarks. "That is really far out there," she says, looking at the course. "Even though it's at the edge of the galaxy, it's at the edge closest to us. Should be there in... 18 arns." She turns back to the captain's chair. "Now let's see about contacting the Alliance..." 17:06:09 - Thomas: which is where we'll end this session 17:06:13 - Thomas: uh, I mean... 17:06:22 - Thomas: DUN DUN DUNNNNN 17:06:34 - Ren: DUNNNN |
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