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Getting Started | Basic Rules | Character Creation Combat | Gear | Characters | NPCs Campaign Log | Player Handouts Duggas Damm a farmhand in Reagon, considered an adult in the eyes of the community played by Andy Mutated Human Dexterity 4d Brawling Parry 5d Melee Parry 5d Knowledge 2d Perception 2d Strength 2d Stamina 3d Control Mutation 2d Time Slip 4d Blindsense Acidic Spit Scales Frenzy (d) Luck Points: 1 Skill Points: 1 Wound Status: Ok Gear: Scythe-on-a-stick (modified tree trimming tool), shoes with cleats, two skillet bucklers, thick workgloves, wide-brimmed cowboy hat, and a week's worth of foodstuffs. Sarin a algae farmer in Raegon, has not completed the rite of adulthood played by Tamara Mutated Human Dexterity 4d Knowledge 2d Perception 2d Strength 3d Control Mutation 1d Psychic Healing 3d Regeneration 3d Thermal Vision 2d Slow (d) Sensitivity to Poison (d) Luck Points: 0 Skill Points: 2 Wound Status: Stunned Gear: relic longbow, climbing gear, first aid kit, 150 arrows, bonking stick. Feirin considered an adult. played by Jen. Mutated Human Dexterity 2d Dodge 3d+1 Missle Weapons 4d Knowledge 2d Area Knowledge 3d Willpower 2d+1 Perception 2d Sneak 2d+2 Strength 2d Swim 2d+2 Control Mutation 3d Brain Bite 4d Chameleon Skin Luck Points: 1 Skill Points: 0 Wound Status: Ok Gear: Three stun grenades in perfect condition. Relic bow and 70 arrows, crowbar/club, camping gear, flint and steel, ironing board. Cheyanne a cook in Raegon, considered an adult played by Adrianne Purebreed Human Dexterity 3d+1 Brawling Parry 5d Melee Parry 4d+2 Knowledge 2d+2 Medical 3d+2 Perception 2d+1 Hide 4d Strength 3d+2 Hardiness 5d Luck Points: 1 Skill Points: 2 Wound Status: Ok Gear: Blaster Pistol (no power cell), two stun grenades, tinkering tools, a first aid kit, two weeks foodstuffs, camping gear, and climbing gear. New! Blackpowder rifle! Tasuki a guard in Raegon, considered an adult played by Abe Purebreed Human Dexterity 4d Throw 5d Melee 6d Dodge 6d Knowledge 2d+1 Perception 2d+2 Hide 3d+2 Strength 3d Brawling 4d Luck Points: 1 Skill Points: 2 Wound Status: Ok Gear: Vibroaxe, Abe's Axe o'Death (dmg: Str+2; DN: 3-5; baseball bat with a pickaxe head, wrapped in barbed wire), a bag o'nails (dmg:Str+1, DN:3-5), glass knuckles (dmg: Str+1 in brawling only), two first aid kits, two weeks of foodstuffs. New! Dewback! Christopher Wren a builder, also an elder of the village. played by Bill Purebred Human Dexterity 3d (2d+2) Missile Weapons 4d (3d+2) Dodge 4d (3d+2) Knowledge 3d Survival 4d Willpower 5d Perception 3d Command 4d Strength 3d (3d+1, armor) Stamina 4d Luck Points: 1 Skill Points: 1 Wound Status: Ok Gear: Haste inhaler (4 doses), a zippo lighter, primitive armor chest plate (+1), a week's worth of food, climbing gear, a first aid kit, a primitive bow with 70 arrows. Chennel (Coco) a clothier, also an elder, a councilwoman. played by Mary Ellen Purebred Human Dexterity 2d (1d+1) Dodge 4d (3d+1) Melee Parry 3d (2d+1) Knowledge 2d Survival 3d Willpower 4d Perception 4d Intimidation 5d Strength 4d (4d+2, armor) Luck Points: 1 Skill Points: 1 Wound Status: Ok Gear: 11 sustenance pills in a plastic bottle, a big pickaxe (dmg: Str+1d, DN:6-10), camping gear, a week's of foodstuffs, climbing gear, a first aid kit, a set of tools, and a set of primitive armor (+2). |
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Here begins the ever-growing copyright block. Gamma World and Omega World are probably trademarks of Wizards of the Coast. Hellboy is copyright 2004 Mike Mignola. Stargate SG-1 is a trademark of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. The majority of the text used in the Stargate SG-1 game is copyright 2004 John Tynes. Some text used in the Stargate SG-1 game is copyright 2004 Andy Slack. West End Games and the D6 System ™ & © 2004 Purgatory Publishing Inc. Buffy, the Vampire Slayer is probably a trademark of Mutant Enemy. The BtVS board game is probably copyright 2004 Hasbro Games. Star Wars ™ & © 2004 LucasFilm Ltd. WizKids, LLC has sole ownership of the names, logo, artwork, marks, photographs, sounds, audio, video and/or any proprietary material used in connection with the game Shadowrun. WizKids, LLC has granted permission to gameworld.thesnakefarm.com to use such names, logos, artwork, marks and/or any proprietary materials for promotional and informational purposes on its website but does not endorse, and is not affiliated with gameworld.thesnakefarm.com in any official capacity whatsoever. Pretty much everything here is used without permission. All Rights Reserved. Have some sort of compulstion to send me e-mail? Try gameworld@thesnakefarm.com, unless you are a spambot. I am quite happy with the size of my penis, thank you. |