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action segments

At the beginning of the combat round, each player must declare what his character is doing -- if he is moving, and if so where; and what non-reaction skills he's going to be using.

Combat rounds are divided into action segments. During each action segment, each character may use one skill or stat, or move. However, reaction skills don't take any time to use. You can use a reaction skill in an action segment and still move or use another skill. Movement and skill or stat use occurs in the order declared, one per action segment. You cannot hold an action to a later action segment.

For example, Jericho is going to run, then tackle the big bruiser across the room. Talia is just going to run outside. In the first action segment, Jericho runs and Talia runs. In the next action segment, Jericho tackles the bruiser.

We declare in order of Perception. Feirin, Duggas, and Sarin declare at the same time. Then Cheyanne declares. Then Tasuki. Then Christopher Wren. Then Coco.


Whoever goes first, it doesn't really matter unless it will affect another person's skill use. For example, if Jericho and Talia are fighting each other, if Jericho strikes first and wounds Talia, she may not be able to strike and wound him.

If two people are doing things that affect each other, make a skill or attribute rolls for both. If a character is moving, make a dexterity roll instead, as there is no skill code for movement. The high-roller goes first. Then, the character with the next highest roll goes, and so on. The same roll is used to determine whether the skill or stat use succeeds.

Talia (blaster skill of 5d+2) and Jericho (blaster skill of 5d+1) both were lucky enough to find working black ray blasters and have decided to shoot at each other. The difficulty number is 16 for each shot. Talia rolls a 19, Jericho rolls a 17. Talia gets her shot off first and hits Jericho. After rolling for damage, we find that Talia had stunned Jericho; Jericho never gets a shot off.

If there's a tie and one of the characters is a player character, he gets to go first. If they're both non-player characters or both player characters, re-roll.


You can walk 15 feet in any direction in one round. If you run, you can move up to 30 feet. Remember, when running, you suffer a 1d penalty to all actions when running.

how to hurt people

Each weapon has a damage code. When you hit your target, roll the damage code. Most relic ranged weapons use a skill you don't start with -- blaster. Laser pistols, sonic rifles, black ray blasters, torc rifles, and even gunpowder guns all use the blaster skill. Generally, a relic ranged weapon has a damage code of 4d. Most melee weapons have damage codes based off of your character's strength.

The target rolls his strength dice to resist taking damage. Note that this is not considered a skill action. If the strength roll is greater than the damage roll, the target is stunned. If the damage roll is greater than or equal to the strength roll, but is less than twice the the strength roll, the character is wounded. If the damage roll is at least twice the strength roll but less than three times the strength roll, the character is incapacitated. If the damage roll is at least three times the strength roll, the character is mortally wounded.

Here's an easier way to look at it: Your damage roll is 12. If the target's strength roll is 13 or more, he's stunned. If he rolls between 7 and 12, he's wounded. If he rolls a 5 or 6, he's incapacitated. If he rolls four or less, he's mortally wounded.

A stunned character falls prone and can't do anything for the rest of the combat round.

A wounded character falls prone and can't do anything for the rest of the combat round. Anytime he rolls skill or stat dice, he has a 1d penalty. A wounded character that gets wounded again is incapacitated.

An incapacitated character falls prone and is unconscious. He cannot do anything until healed. An incapacitated character that becomes wounded or incapacitated again is mortally wounded.

A mortally wounded character is prone and unconscious. He cannot do anything until healed. At the end of every combat round, the player rolls 2d. If the roll is less than the number of rounds since the character was mortally wounded, the character dies.

force fields and armor

Force fields and armor add to your strength for resolving damage only. Armor imposes a dexterity penalty based on the strength bonus. If you are wearing 1d armor, your strength is 1d better for avoiding damage, but your dexterity and all dexterity related skills are at -1d. Force fields work just like armor, except they have no dexterity penalty.

If a mutant generates his own force field and gets stunned -- or worse -- the force field instantly shuts down.


As mentioned earlier, dodging is a reaction skill. When targeted by a ranged weapon, you can attempt to dodge out of the way. The number you roll is added to the shooter's difficulty number. For example, Talia has that black ray blaster and fires at Jericho. Jericho dodges, rolling a 14 (his dodge skill is 4d+1). This changes her difficulty number from a 16 to a 30. She rolls that 19 -- a miss.

You don't have to dodge, but you must declare that you are dodging before your opponent rolls his attack dice. If you dodge and multiple people are firing at you, your dodge affects every ranged attack that action segment. You can dodge every action segment, but each time you do, it's considered a skill use, reducing your subsequent dodges by 1d for each dodge attempted.

close combat fighting

If you are near your opponent, you can attack in hand-to-hand combat. If you are unarmed, you roll your character's brawling skill. If armed, you use the melee skill. Unlike ranged weapons, the base difficulty is based on the weapon used. Instead of dodging, a character can parry in close combat. It works just like dodge, but uses either the brawling parry or melee parry skill. Brawling parry only works against brawling attacks. Melee parry works against both. Again, it depends if you're armed or not when parrying.

grenades and grenade-like objects

Using grenades and grenade-like objects use the throwing skill. The difficulty number depends on the range. If you roll over the difficulty number, your grenade lands right where it's supposed to. If your roll is lower than the difficulty number, it might wind up in bouncing right back to your feet. Grenades do damage to everything within a blast radius. Some blast radii are as large as 30ft, some are as small as 10ft.

If a grenade lands near you, you can dodge to avoid injury. It's a bit tricky, just know it works very similarly to a normal dodge, except you end up prone after jumping out of the way. If you dodge in an action segment, it affects all ranged weapons fire and all grenade attacks in the same segment.

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